

Independent entertainment studio

graphic design / sound & music editing for multimedia (game, video, web site and print)

Great day !

Studio kalanoor* is born !!!

This year, we (PelayoBros) decided to join our talent in a common studio. Although we have our own freelance activities on the side, we expected to work on more freestyle and fun stuff project with Studio Kalanoor.

Leaving in Madagascar is not as easy as it looks, despite the fact that life is apparently easier, the art professions aren’t fairly considered. Local artists tend to sell themselves at lower price, hoping to get more work to earn their living. Therefore most of customers settled to use art media at lower prices and lower quality, moreover the audience has a high tolerant visual culture. We do not claim to do better, but thanks to our experience, and a common vision, we want to create entertainment for both our peers and us.

*kalanoor (write kalanoro in malagasy) is a little furry faery in the malagasy folklore. He’s not a good nor a bad guy, as in every animist culture, his behavior is changing according to his environment… Note that, as gnomes or other pixies, the kalanoor is playful, impish indeed.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. K
    Jun 02, 2012 @ 14:57:34

    Wonderful day kalanoorrr brrrothers. well done 🙂


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